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There are several weekly seminars and social events that run during the academic year. Upcoming seminars are listed on the Calendar page and the A&A google calendar.
The weekly colloquium features world-class astrophysicists speaking on current topics of astronomy & astrophysics research. Presentations are aimed at the graduate and post-graduate level, but are open to the general public. Astrophysics Colloquium is scheduled for Wednesday at 3-4pm for AY2024-25. The colloquium organizer this year is Christopher Theissen.
The Astronomy Club at UC San Diego aims to promote an interest in astronomy and astrophysics among UC San Diego undergraduates. Our organization will focus on the exploration of the universe. We hope to help students interested in astronomy get to know each other and facilitate their access to professional faculty. The contact for Astronomy club is Astronomy Club.
ArXiv Hour is an informal gathering to discuss recent astro-ph articl
Bash (Balcony Astronomy Social Hour) is a Friday 4pm informal social hour that occurs on the SERF balony. Faculty, researcher, postdocs, and graduate students are welcome to attend. The BASH organizer this year is graduate student Lindsey Hands.
The A&A program jointly hosts Journal Club at noon on Fridays . The Journal Club is crafted to be a very informal and friendly environment where graduate students can present talks on any subject of interest to them, be it a recent journal paper, their own research work, or any topic. Pizza is served at noon for in-house UC San Diego talks, and at 1pm for external guest speakers. The Journal Club organizers this year are graduate students Emma Softich, Samuel Lu and Assistant Professor Christopher Theissen.
During the weekly “STRAND” Simulations TheoRy AND more meetings, participants hear about the latest theory and simulations research in astrophysics through a combination of talks, news, updates, and announcements. The meetings are open to all. For more information visiting the STRAND website. Meetings take place on Thursdays at 10AM in Serf 383 (but see the Events schedule for the latest updates). The organizers this year are Floor Broekgaarden & Kyle Kremer.
The “SMASH” Initiative (UC San Diego Meetings between Astro/physics, SDSC, & HDSI) is a new collaborative effort on the UCSD campus to tackle the big data era in Astronomy & Physics: making discoveries about our cosmos in an era with rapidly increasing data size, data complexity, and dimensionality. SMASH has bi-weekly meetings, usually on Tuesday at noon with lunch included, and rotating locations (SDSC, HDSI, the Astronomy & Astrophysics department, and the Physics department). Contact Floor Broekgaarden for more information.