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The Astronomy Graduate Program is designed to be completed in 5 years, but allows a range of 4-6 years. 

During Year 1 a graduate student will typically take 3 Core A classes, ASTR 500, and 4 additional classes (Core B elective).  It is highly recommended that a first year graduate student selects a research advisor by the end of Spring quarter in year 1.

During Year 2 a graduate student will take the remaining 2 classes (Core B elective) and at least 2 quarters of ASTR 298.  The graduate student will be busy studying for and completing the qualifying exam by the end of Spring quarter in Year 2.

During Year 3 a graduate student is fully committed to a research program. Students are enroll in ASTR 298 for research and units.  The graduate student should begin developing their dissertation program with their research advisor(s), form a dissertation committee.  By end of year 3 the graduate student should complete the Advance to Candidacy.

During Year 4 - Year 6 the graduate student is fully committed to their proposed dissertation research.  Students enroll in ASTR 299 for units. To satisfy the Ph.D. the students must complete a Defense.

The table below shows a sample course schedule for the first two years of the Astronomy Ph.D. program. The curriculum is designed to be flexible to the graduate students interest and research focus, and allows for additional electives beyond the requirements. It is required that all 1st and 2nd year students are registered for the Astrophysics Colloquium (ASTR 250: 2 unit) and Journal Club (ASTR 251: 2 unit) during their first two years (6 quarters).

This is only an example course timelines. Elective graduate courses are typically offered every 2 years at differing quarters. Core A classes are taught regularly.   *Core A   **Core B    §Elective

Sample Course Schedule for Astronomy Ph.D. Student (Extragalactic Focus)

Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter

Spring Quarter


*ASTR 200: Survey

*ASTR 201: Radiation

*ASTR 500: Teaching

ASTR 250: Colloquium

ASTR 251: Journal Club

*ASTR 202: Fluids

**ASTR 211: Stellar Astro.

§ASTR 220: Observational Techniques

ASTR 250:Colloquium

ASTR 251: Journal Club

**ASTR 213: Galaxies

§ASTR 214: Cosmology

ASTR 250: Colloquium

ASTR 251: Journal Club

Year 2

§ASTR 223: Astrostatistics

ASTR 298: Directed Studies

ASTR 250: Colloquium

ASTR 251: Journal Club

**ASTR 212: Interstellar Medium

ASTR 298: Directed Studies

ASTR 250: Colloquium

ASTR 251: Journal Club

**ASTR 224: Astrophysical Dynamics

ASTR 298: Directed Studies

ASTR 250: Colloquium

ASTR 251: Journal Club