Undergraduate Program
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The Astronomy & Astrophysics Department supports a wide variety of undergraduate research opportunities. Researchers in the department work in a number of exciting fields, including star formation and evolution, the structure and evolution of galaxies, stellar and supermassive black holes, exoplanets, cosmology, and astronomical instrumentation.
Special Studies courses allow students to earn units for special readings, research, and related writing and presentations. Research can be supported via course credit in ASTR 99, 99H (for Regents Scholars), 199, and 199H (for students in the honors program). There are additional opportunities for funded research, especially during the summer. Below we provide information on research opportunities in the department.
Latest Presentation Slides:
Fall 2024: "How to Get a Summer Research Position"
ALL STUDENTS: Please read and refer to this document when requesting a Special Studies course.
Undergraduate students may request to enroll in a Special Studies course under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Students are encouraged to initiate contact with faculty in their interested area of research to see if they would be willing to act as an advisor for their reading or research project. You can see a list of research areas and who the lead faculty are for each one here.
Please sign up for Special Studies courses term by term only after you and a faculty member have discussed all of the details about the project. If approved, these students will then make a Special Studies request in the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) for their faculty advisor to review and approve.
98s, 99s
199s are intended for students who are looking to do an undergraduate reading or research project with a faculty member in a particular area of study and would like to earn academic credit for this work:
Special Studies 98, 99, 198, 199, and 199H courses are not included in the campus’ 25% limit of P/NP coursework. When checking to make sure that no more than 25% of your UCSD courses were taken for P/NP credit, do not include any of your 98s, 99s, 199s, or 199Hs.
Undergraduate students may enroll in graduate level courses with the consent of the instructor. We recommend that this consent only be given to exceptional undergraduate students who have shown mastery of their undergraduate coursework.
Undergraduate students requesting to enroll in graduate level courses must use the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy).
These requests may be placed on hold until Astronomy PhD students have first had an opportunity to enroll in their core graduate coursework.
The Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics offers an honors program to those students who have demonstrated excellence in either of the majors. Students may receive departmental honors if they complete the following in addition to their major requirements:
Instructions for how to apply for honors are coming soon!
Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics participate in the Summer Training Academy for Research Success (STARS) program. More information can be found at this link.